Legendary Tiger Man – Let’s roll

The Legendary Tigerman is the artistic name of a Portuguese musician, Paulo Furtado. Furtado played in various Portuguese bands such as Tédio Boys and Wraygunn. As The Legendary Tigerman, he started playing blues music in a one-man band style, accompanying his singing with guitar, harmonica and drums alone on stage.

Femina was one of the most suceesseful albums so far from LTG, in this album he made duets with some proeminente feminin artists in the alternative pop music scene. The next one is from Femina featuring Rita Redshoes.

On is last album, from 2017, Paulo Furtado, brings a stronger position in the Rockandrolll scene, here is one for listening loud and repeat. The Motorcycle Boy together with the video clip is per si a master piece of the 21st century rock and roll, enjoy…

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Legendary Tiger Man – Let’s roll

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