In the following example, we’re trying to solve the problem of event-driven communication. A data sink is only updated when the source data is published. I strongly recommend reading my previous posts on this topic if you have not already done so. In this, Simple MQTT Examples #1 – Getting Started Easy, we give an introductory example, and in this, MQTT – How to consume a snapshot value published in the past., we talk about several possible solutions.
Running the Example
Source Code Location
Run the, this is the component that reads the sensor data and publishes it to the mqtt broker:

The collector starts normally and publish data every 60 seconds
Picture 1 – Start the temperature data collector
Run, this software component subscribes to the sensor data and displays it to the GUI:

Picture 2 – command line startup

An request update is required to the collector, and it sends an update event with the current value
Picture 3 – datacollector output with display request
As you notice the display gets updated as soon as it starts instead of waiting for the next event:

Additional features
Some additional features have been added to the previous version. For example, a small color square indicates when the display is connected to the MQTT broker. You can stop the Mosquito service and watch the display output to quickly test this feature.
iot-demo@ubuntu:~/workspace/python-iot-demo$ systemctl stop mosquitto.service
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units ===
Authentication is required to stop 'mosquitto.service'.
Authenticating as: iot-demo
And the output is something like this:

I hope that these simple examples will help you with your first steps with MQTT for your home automation projects by showing some design patterns. Drop me a line if you have any further questions, or if you have a look at the implementation details!